Archive for places

Y-strap chiropractor | #YStrapDallas | Carrollton, TX

October 4, 2023 | 0 Comments

What is a Y-strap adjustment? #ystrapdallas #ystrapchiropractor #MarcoAbanico #NeckNunchuckDallas #NeckNunchuck A Y-strap adjustment, AKA Rapid Spinal Decompression, is a form of spinal manipulation in which manual, axial traction is applied to the cervical spine (your neck) to bring about the release of stuck joints and any nerve pressure that is causing neck pain. Applying axial […]

Y-strap chiropractor | #YStrapDallas | Dallas/Fort Worth, TX

September 23, 2023 | 0 Comments

What is a Y-strap adjustment? #ystrapdallas #ystrapchiropractor #MarcoAbanico #NeckNunchuckDallas #NeckNunchuck A Y-strap adjustment, AKA Rapid Spinal Decompression, is a form of spinal manipulation in which manual, axial traction is applied to the cervical spine (your neck) to bring about the release of stuck joints and any nerve pressure that is causing neck pain. Applying axial […]

Spinal decompression therapy clinic | DFWChiroMassage | Carrollton, TX

March 29, 2023 | 0 Comments

Carrollton Chiropractic and Massage 2828 E Trinity Mills Rd; Ste 140 Carrollton, Texas 75006-2393 Phone/TEXT: 513-580-4930 Fax: 972-417-5828 Se habla espanol e-mail: Located in Trinity Square Plaza at the SW corner of E Trinity Mills Rd and Tarpley Rd in Carrollton, TX.  We specialize in cold laser therapy, spinal decompression therapy, and massage therapy.  […]

Mi Clinica Familiar | 1235 S Josey Ln | Carrollton, TX

March 29, 2023 | 0 Comments

View Larger Map Mi Clinica Familiar “Su clinica de cabecera” 1235 S Josey Ln; Ste 511 Carrollton, TX 75006-7665 Phone: 214-483-9797 Download the brochure. Located at the SE corner of E Beltline Rd and S Josey Ln in Carrollton, TX and is in the same parking lot as Fiesta Mart.

Chiropractic cold laser therapy clinic | 2828 E Trinity Mills Rd | Carrollton, TX

March 29, 2023 | 0 Comments

Carrollton Chiropractic and Massage 2828 E Trinity Mills Rd; Ste 140 Carrollton, Texas 75006-2393 Phone/TEXT: 513-580-4930 Fax: 972-417-5828 Se habla espanol e-mail: fabiola@dfwchiromassage.comLocated in the Mills Pointe shopping center at the SE corner of E Trinity Mills Rd and Marsh Ln in Carrollton, TX. We specialize in cold laser therapy, spinal decompression therapy, and massage […]

Clinica del dolor y la artritis en The Colony | 2828 E Trinity Mills Rd | Carrollton, TX

March 29, 2023 | 0 Comments

Carrollton Chiropractic and Massage 2828 E Trinity Mills Rd; Ste 140 Carrollton, Texas 75006-2393 Phone/TEXT: 513-580-4930 Fax: 972-417-5828 Se habla espanol e-mail: ¿Ud. tiene dolor de cabeza? ¿Artritis? ¿Dolor de cuello? ¿Dolor de espalda baja? ¿Ciatica? Es posible que tiene Ud. compresion de los nervios como resultado de discos herniados. #CarrolltonChiropracticandMassage Podemos ayudarle. Visite […]

Clinica del dolor y la artritis | Serviendo gente de Mansfield, TX

March 29, 2023 | 0 Comments

Carrollton Chiropractic and Massage 2828 E Trinity Mills Rd; Ste 140 Carrollton, Texas 75006-2393 Phone/TEXT: 513-580-4930 Fax: 972-417-5828 Se habla espanol e-mail: ¿Ud. tiene dolor de cabeza? ¿Artritis? ¿Dolor de cuello? ¿Dolor de espalda baja? ¿Ciatica? Es posible que tiene Ud. compresion de los nervios como resultado de discos herniados. #CarrolltonChiropracticandMassage Podemos ayudarle. Visite […]

Accidentes de coche que tratamos

February 23, 2023 | 0 Comments

Si usted ha sufrido una lesión en un accidente automovilístico, debe hacer algo al respecto AHORA MISMO. Vaya a la Carrollton Chiropractic and Massage inmediatamente. No espere a que sus síntomas empeoren. Visítenos y hágase un chequeo dándose la oportunidad de recibir la mejor atención posible. Nuestra misión, es atender a las víctimas de accidentes […]

ChiroMassage Centers of Dallas | 2828 E Trinity Mills Rd | Carrollton, TX

February 22, 2023 | 0 Comments

Carrollton Chiropractic and Massage 2828 E Trinity Mills Rd; Ste 140 Carrollton, Texas 75006-2393 Phone/TEXT: 513-580-4930 Fax: 972-417-5828 Se habla espanol e-mail: Located in the Mills Pointe shopping center at the SE corner of E Trinity Mills Rd and Marsh Ln in Carrollton, TX. We accept Medicare, Aetna, BlueCross BlueShield, UnitedHealthcare, and many other […]

Chiropractic clinic open on Saturdays | 2828 E Trinity Mills Rd | Carrollton, TX

December 9, 2022 | 0 Comments

Carrollton Chiropractic and Massage 2828 E Trinity Mills Rd; Ste 140 Carrollton, Texas 75006-2393 Phone/TEXT: 513-580-4930 Fax: 972-417-5828 Se habla espanol e-mail: Located in Trinity Square Plaza at the SW corner of E Trinity Mills Rd and Tarpley Rd in Carrollton, TX. We accept Medicare, Aetna, BlueCross BlueShield, UnitedHealthcare, and many other insurance plans. […]