Statistics of neck and back pain—Who gets it

April 10, 2012 | 0 Comments

By Marco Abanico

Neck and back pain are very common conditions. A number of physicians and researchers consider neck and back pain an every day thing akin to having an occasional cold. Statistically in the United States:

  1. Back pain is most likely accompanied by neck pain: About 60 percent of people with back pain also have neck pain.
  2. Back and neck pain costs about 15 millions dollars a year in the United States.
  3. Approximately 50 percent of the working population experience back problems.
  4. Back pain is the second reason next to the common cold why patients visit a doctor.
  5. At some time during their life, back pain affects a little more than 80 percent of the population.

Marco Abanico is a staff writer for DFWChiromassage Spine Blog and a chiropractor in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex. He is a leading authority on how to relieve spine pain easily and naturally. His clinic has helped thousands of patients put an end to their neck and back pain. If you are considering surgery for neck pain relief or if other forms of treatment have not worked, CALL US.

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